Failure at the Top: Websites of America’s Largest Companies Plagued by Accessibility Issues, Risking Litigation and Loss of Market Share. Just as we strive to provide equal opportunity to people with disabilities in all aspects of day-to-day life, from washrooms to transit, we should be providing equal access and opportunity to the web as well. We use it for education, entertainment, employment, government services, healthcare, etc. It has worked its way into most aspects of our day-to-day lives, and society’s overall dependency on it increases daily. The internet has become one of the largest and most-used resources in the world.

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Want to see the website accessibility issues impacting your site? Get your free website scan Why is web accessibility important? Ready to see the list? Click here to skip ahead.

However, before we get into the different types of tools, let’s take a look at the growing importance of web accessibility and the associated risk to your company. In this post, we will provide a list of website accessibility tools that have been developed to help make the internet accessible to everyone.